Brand 2.0 – Micro Interactions

We live in a world where the little things really do matter. Each encounter no matter how brief is a micro interaction which makes a deposit or withdrawal from our rational and emotional subconscious. The sum of these interactions and encounters adds up to how we feel about a particular product, brand or service. Little things. Feelings. They influence our everyday behaviors more than we realize.

Brand 2.0

The brand is now an ecosystem, made up of the micro interactions between every person in your company and every message your company sends out to the public.

Building a brand in our intertwined world can be a difficult feat. However, just throwing some social interactions on your web site is not enough. You have to think about how the interactions will resonate within your company. More than ever, companies need evangelists. These people are the ones that give your brand that sparkling personality. The face and personality of the brand does not need to rest on the head of the CEO. Look at Starbucks, the face of their brand is every barista that works in every Starbucks across the country. They are the company’s evangelists. They are the people behind the brand. Humans find it difficult to relate to any thing but another human is what we all know.

Micro Interactions are fast becoming the Building Blocks of Brand 2.0.

Your brand is nothing but sum total of all these millions of Micro Interactions and thus the Engagement in this new world of Web 2.0.

Consumer behavior is fast changing and we have Consumer 2.0 who is not passively consuming the news but is offering active participation.

The Technology is fast changing too from front ends + back ends to endless fragmentation of services. The services that can be mixed and mashed as per the user choice and the end result is infinite touch points that are created.

User then start influencing each other which is Anyone to Everyone segmentation.

All this leads to Interactions which Engage, Enable and Empowers everyone involved.

How Powerful are Micro Interactions?

The number of text messages sent and received every day exceeds the total population of Earth.

More than 25% of search results on Google for the world’s 20 largest brands are links to consumer generated content.

Over 1.5 million Twitter users.

Brand 2.0 calls for engagement clearly so your current website (brochure-like) is soon going to become meaning less. You need to add social elements and enable experiences and interactions. In this application economy (applications are new desktops) its about Usefulness (serves the purpose), Ubiquity (multi touch point enabled) & Utility (give rise to meaningful interactions). People want brands to offer less promises and more action rest they will take care of on their own.

A conversation ecosystem is fast gaining momentum giving brands a big opportunity to interact, engage, enable and acquire customers basis relationships.

Welcome to the life in world 2.0

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